What do I need above everything in my life??? MOTIVATION. And I've found it in the form of Louise (Sprinkle of Glitter). She is running '7 things for 7 days' blog posts here so I thought that I would join in. I am hugely disorganised and procrastinate far too much and need to do something about it. If I write it here on my blog I may be more enclined to go for my goals. Oh, and I love list writing too so this is right up my street.

My first priority is to sort my mess of a house out but I thought I'd throw some beauty related stuff in there to keep me interested.
1. Take real good care of my skin - I'm often too busy with the kids or tired that my skin doesn't often get much more than a wipe over with a face cloth. I'm quite lucky that I have pretty good skin but with a little pampering it could be so much better.
2. Don't bite my nails (and reward my self with a manicure) - My nails are terribly short because I bite them. I have found, over the last couple of weeks, that If I take time to keep them looking nice I don't seem to bite them as much. They are starting to grow and hopefully I'll have beautiful nails in no time.
3. Tackle the boys bedroom. And keep it from becoming a mess again - It is horrendous. I can't even open the wardrobe door. My youngest is 6 and he can mess a bedroom up in 30 seconds flat. I have been putting off sorting it out because I know it will take me a least a whole day. The thought of spending a whole day tidying it, only for it to be back in the same state after a couple of days, is really putting me off. WILL I DO IT?
4. Find 7 bargains - just for fun ;-) - I love looking for bargains. Whether it's beauty bargains or bargains for the home, I love finding them. I get a real sense of satisfaction when I come across something cheap.
5. Sort kitchen cupboards out - Can't find anything in my kitchen. I have sorted it out so many times but my husband doesn't seem to get the concept of 'everthing has a place'. I'm going to give it one last try and see if I can educate him about where things go. Wish me luck.
6. Try to eat better - I'm very overweight but I love food so much. I'm going to try to reduce my portion sizes and eat a few things which are 'better' for me.
7. Get some followers on my blog - Sometimes I feell ike not bothering writing anything on here because nobody ever reads it but if I don't then nobody ever will.
I'm really hoping that I manage to achive these goals in the next 7 days but I suppose all I can do is try. I should have put an extra one in there - When the kids have been asking for breakfast for the last 20 minutes, stop writing a blog post and get them some (poor starving children awww).
Thanks for reading
Emma xx
Great post, for number 7, commenting on other blog's posts are a really easy way of getting your blog out there.
ReplyDeleteI hope you can find the motivation to get it all done,
Here is my list if you are interested: http://www.confessionsofablogwriter.blogspot.co.uk/2012/06/7-things-for-7-days-june.html
Alice xxx
aw they're all really good ideas! Have fun sorting your kitchen out ;)